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Managing Client Accounts

Managing Client Wealth Is Serious Business. We're A Serious Company.

How We Manage Client Accounts

Guiding Principles


  • All accounts are actively managed

  • Charles Schwab & Co. maintains custody of all client accounts

  • Quarterly reporting of results and individual performance

  • Anytime access to accounts thru Schwab client portal

  • Access to Envision's CEO and management team

Investment Discipline

Our clients are with us for the long haul. During that time our goal is to ride the bond market’s good times while avoiding its downturns. The more pain we miss—both in the bond market and in individual issues—the less we have to make up during periods of rebound. Achieving a targeted yield is important to us, but protecting that money from loss is essential. We will always trade less risk for a few basis points more in yield rather than put principal in jeopardy.


That’s why part of our investment discipline is to control our allocations. No single asset type or issuer can cause the portfolio severe damage if it goes south. The maximum allocation percentage for any one corporate bond issuer is 3%-5% of the portfolio.


All accounts at Envision Capital are actively managed. We try to employ a buy-and-hold strategy. But when something bad unexpectedly happens (such as restating financials, management failing to execute, an LBO, or issuing bonds to pay dividends) then we will not hesitate to sell. We do not attempt to predict the market’s wiggles and jiggles.



Market Presence

Envision Capital’s trading size more than qualifies us for institutional status among Wall Street’s largest bond institutions. The prices we see every day are those given to the most significant bond buyers and sellers. Market presence means more than getting the best price. It has to do with seeing the issues we need to buy that may be in scarce supply as well as having our brokers make a market for us when we need to sell into a thinly traded market. Either way, Envision has the clout in the market to make trades work for our clients. 

Securities Types

We manage fixed income portfolios containing a variety of instruments. Most of our balanced client investment portfolios include:


  • Taxable bonds

  • Tax efficient bonds

  • Municipal bonds

  • Other instruments such as Master Limited Partnerships

We rebalance portfolios and change allocations based on current and anticipated market conditions as determined by our own research. 

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